R:981130/0545Z @:NL3DAV.ZH.NLD.EU #:23087 [Leiderdorp] FBB7.00f $:DF0655NL0RAF
R:981130/0436Z @:NL3ZMR.ZH.NLD.EU #:26992 [Zoetermeer] FBB7.00g $:DF0655NL0RAF
R:981129/1201Z @:NL3LDM.ZH.NLD.EU #:20234 [L.dam] FBB7.00f $:DF0655NL0RAF
R:981128/2332Z @:NL3RTD.ZH.NLD.EU #:29501 [Rotterdam-Noord] $:DF0655NL0RAF
R:981128/1556Z @:NL3IPR.IPR.NLD.EU #:16478 [IPR] FBB7.00g $:DF0655NL0RAF
R:981127/2304Z @:UT1BBS.UT.NLD.EU #:64651 [Montfoort] FBB7.00g $:DF0655NL0RAF
R:981127/0150Z @:AF1BBS.UT.NLD.EU #:36538 [AMERSFOORT] FBB5.15c $:DF0655NL0RAF


[ 27/11/1998 01:55z #:0655 @:NL0RAF QRA:AA99AA ] Header v1.20 by G7VFD.

     Û  Û Û   Û  Û ÛÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÛ ÛÜ     nl0raf@hotmail.com
     Û  Û ÛÜÜ ÛÜÜÛ Û ÛÜ Û  Û Û      do not surf.to/nl0raf 

EA - External Alarms
Ec/No - Ratio of energy per modulating bit to the noise spec   
        tral density 
EIR - Equipment Identity Register

FA - Full Allocation
FB - Frequency correction Burst
FACCH/F - Full rate Fast Associated Control Channel
FACCH/H - Half rate Fast Associated Control Channel
FEC - Forward Error Correction
FFS - For Furhter Study
FN - Frame Number
FN-MAX - Maxima TDMA Frame Number
FS - Furhter Study

GMSC - Gateway Mobile Services Switching Centre
GSA - GSM System Area
GSM - Groupe Special Mobile
GSM PLMN - GSM Public Land Mobile Network

HANDO - Handover
HDLC - High Level Data Link control
HLR - Home Location Register
HMSC - Home Mobile-services Switching Centre
HO-MARGIN - SDL Message name for Handover Margin
HPU - Hand Portable Unit
HSN - Hop Sequence Number

I - Information (frames)
IAM - Initial Adress Message
ICB - Incoming Calls Barred
ID - Identification
IDN - Integrated Digital Network
IE - Signalling Information Element
IMEI - International Mobile Station Equipment Identity
IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity
INU - Interworking Unit
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
IWF - Inter Working Function

K - Constraint Length of the Convolutional Code
KI - Key used to calculate SRES
KL - Location Key
Ks - session Key 

LAC - Location Area Code
LAI - Location Area Identity
LAN - Local Area Network
LAP-Dm - Link Access Protocol on Dm channel
L2R - Layer 2 Relay
LCN -  Local Communication Network
LE - Local Exchange
Lm - Traffic channel with capacity lower than Bm
LR - Location Register

M - Mandatory
MA - Mobile Allocation
MACN - Mobile Allocation Channel Number
MAF - Mobile Additional Function
MAIO - Mobile Allocation Index Offset
MAP - Mobile Application Part
MCC - Mobile Country Code
MCI - Malicious Call Identification
MD - Mediation Device
MDL - (mobile) Management (entity) - Data Link (layer)
ME - Maintenance Entity
MEF - Maintenance Entity Function
MIC - Mobile Interface Controller
MM - Man Machine
MME - Mobile Management Entity
MMI - Man Machine Interface
MNC - Mobile Networtk Code
MPH - (mobile) Management (entity) - PHysical (layer)
MS - Mobile Station
MSC - Mobile-services Switching Centre
MSCU - Mobile Station Control Unit
MS ISDN - Mobile Station ISDN Number
MSRN - Mobile Station Roaming Number
MS-RANGE-MAX - Mobile Station Range Maximum
MS-RXLEV-L - Lower Receive Level
MS-TXPWR-CONF - MS Transmitted RF Power Confirmation
MS-TXPWR-MAX-CCH - Maximum Allowed Transmitted RF Power for MS 
                   to Access
MS-TXPWR-REQUEST - MS Transmitted RF Power Request. Parameter  
                   sent by the BS that commands the required   
                   MS RF Power Level
MT - Message Transfert Part
MT - Mobile Termination
MTP - Message Transfert Part
MUMS - Multi User Mobile Station

NB - Normal Burst
NBIN - A parameter in the hopping sequence
NCELL - Neighbouring (adjacent) Cell
NDC - National Destination Code
NE - Network Element
NEF - Network Function
NF - Network Element Function
NM - Network Management
NMC - Network Management Centre
NMSI - National Mobile Station Identification number
NSAP - Network Service Access Point
NT - Network Termination
N/W - Network

O - Optional
OACSU - Off-Air-Call-Set-Up
OD - Optional for operators to implement for their aim
O&M - Operations & Maintenance
OCB - Outgoing Calls Barred
OMC - Operations & Maintenance Centre
OS - Operating System
OSI - Open System Interconnection
OSI RM - OSI Reference Model

PAD - Packet Assembly/Disassembly facility
PCH - Paging CHannel
PD - Public Data
PDN - Public Data Networks
PH - PHysical (layer)
PI - Persentation Indicator
PIN - Personal Identification Number
PLMN - Public Land Mobile Network
PLMN PERMITTED - PLM Permitted for handover purposes
PPE - Primative Procedure Entity
Ps - Location Probability
PSPDN - Public Switched Public Data Network
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network

QA - Q (interface) - Adaptatot
QAF - Q - Adaptor Function
QOS - Quality Of Service 

R - Value of Reduction of the MS Transmitted RF Power relative 
    to the maximum allowed output of the highest power class   
    of MS (A)
RA - RAndom mode request information field 
RAB - Random Access Burst
RACH - Random Access CHannel
RADIO-LINK-TIMEOUT - The timeout period for radio link failure
RAND - RANdom Number (authentication)
REC - RECommendiation
REL - RELease
REQ - REQuest
RES - RESponse (authentication)
RFC - Radio Frequency Channel
RFCH - Radio Frequency CHannel
RFN - Reduced TDMA Frame Number
RLP - Radio Link Protocol
RNTABLE - Table of 128 integers in the hopping sequence
RSE - Radio System Entity
RXLEV - Received Signal Level
RXLEV-MIN - The minimum received signal level at a MS from an  
            adjacent cell for handover into that cell to be    
RXLEV-ACCESS-MIN - The minimum received signal level at a MS   
                   for access to a cell 
RXLEV-NCELL - Received signal level of neigbouring (adjacent)  
RXLEV-NCELL [1-N] - Received signal level in adjacent cell
RXLEV-SERVING-CELL - The received signal level in the serving  
RXQUAL - Received Signal Quality
RXQUAL-SERVING-CELL - Received signal quality of serving cell

SABM - Set Asynchrous Balanced Mode
SACCH - Slow Associated Control CHannel
SACCH/C4 - Slow, SDCCH/4 Associated, Control CHannel
SACCH/C8 - Slow, SDCCH/8 Associated, Control CHannel
SACCH/T - Slow, TCH-Associated, Control CHannel
SACCH/TF - Slow, TCH/F-Associated, Control CHannel
SACCH/TH - Slow, TCH/H-Associated, Control CHannel
SAPI - Service Access Point Indicator
SB - Synchronization Burst
SCCP - Signalling Connection Control Part
SCH - Synchronization CHannel
SCN - Sub-Channel Number
SDCCH - Stand alone Dedicated Control CHannel 
SDCCH/4 - Stand-alone Dedicated Control CHannel/4
SDCCH/8 - Stand-alone Dedicated Control CHannel/8
SDL - Specification Description Language
SE -  Support Entity
SEF - Support Entity Function
SEG - Security Experts Group
SI - Service Interworking
SIM - Subscriber Identity Module
SLTM - Signalling Link Test Message
SN - Subscriber Number
SP - Signalling Point
SRES - Signalling RESponse (authentication)
STP - Signalling Transfert-Point
S/W - Software

TA - Terminal Adaptor
TAC - Type Approval Code
TAF - Terminal Adaption Function
TC - Transaction Capabilities
TCAP - Transaction Capabilities Application Part
TCH - Traffic CHannel
TCH/F - A Full rate TCH
TCH/H - A Half rate TCH
TCH/FS - A Full rate Speech TCH
TCH/HS - A Half rate Speech TCH
TCH/F2.4 - A Full rate data TCH (<2.4kbit/s).
TCH/F4.8 - A Full rate data TCH (4.8kbit/s).
TCH/F9.6 - A Full rate data TCH (9.6kbit/s).
TCH/H4.8 - A Half rate data TCH (4.8kbit/s).
TCI - Transceiver Control Interface
TE - Terminal Equipment
TFA - TransFert Allowed
TFP - TransFert Prohibited
TMN - Telecommunications Management Network
TMSI - Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
TN - Timeslot Number 
TPS - Three Party Service
TRX - Transceiver
TS - Time Slot
TSDI - Transceiver Speech & Data Interface
TXPWR - TX power level in the MS-TXPWR-REQUEST

UI - Unnumbered Information (Frame)
UPD - UP to Date

VAD - Voice Activity Detection
VLR - Visited Location Register
[VMSC - visited MSC, recommendation not to be used]
VPLMN - Visited PLMN

WS - Work Station


73 - Raf, NL0RAF @ AF1BBS
nl0raf@hotmail.com     do not surf.to/nl0raf

Message timed: 01:53 on 27 Nov 98
Message sent using WinPack V6.42