R:981102/0240Z @:NL3DAV.ZH.NLD.EU #:14944 [Leiderdorp] FBB7.00f $:16156_NL3NW
R:981102/0134Z @:NL3ZMR.ZH.NLD.EU #:21578 [Zoetermeer] FBB7.00g $:16156_NL3NW
R:981101/1027Z @:NL3LDM.ZH.NLD.EU #:14608 [Leidschendam] FBB7.00f $:16156_NL3NW
R:981101/0247Z @:NL3RTD.ZH.NLD.EU #:21797 [Rotterdam-Noord] $:16156_NL3NW
R:981101/0150Z @:KW3BBS.ZH.NLD.EU #:25555 [Katwijk] FBB7.00c $:16156_NL3NW
R:981031/1736Z @:KW3BBS.ZH.NLD.EU #:31090 [Katwijk] FBB7.00g $:16156_NL3NW
R:981031/1718Z @:NL3NW.ZH.NLD.EU #:16156 [Noordwijk (Z-H)] FBB5.15c


      _                                                             __
     ,°o/_           _______ ______|_ _______ ______ _______ ______ )/.
    (____)      _____\    _//_     _//_     /_\_   //   _   \\      /.|
      ||        \    /___    |     |  /____/    ___\    \    \       ||
      ||____   /_____________|     |_________________________/       :|
     /  .--'   .            _|     |_ _______ ___       ____ ______   |
    (___ )     |  ·cDr/m's· \_     _//_     //   |_____(____))   _/____
     /¯|¯    __|__           |        /____/     |              /     /
    _\ |__   \(ø)/__________ |____ ._____________\    _________________\
   (__)|__)   \ /                 \|             |____|
    :   :      /                   :
    |   |________________________________________________________________
    |                                                                    |
    |  stezotehic gives you the 5th part of the animal collection named  |
    |________________________________________________________________    |
                                                                     |   |
                                                                     : _ :
                                                      ____          (____)
       _____  ______  ____________  __   ____    ____/   /            ||
      /     \/     /_/      / _   \/  \_/  _/___/   /   /         ____||
     /       \_      \    __) /  _/   /    \    \      /          `--.  \
     \_______//______/____/___\   \__/__________/ /___/             ( ___)
 (-- - ----[sTZ!/sE ©'98]------\___/---------\___/----------- -- -   ¯|¯\
                                                                    __| /_

    _\.oO)_   ____________________________________________________________
     (_   )  |                                                            |
      |`-'   | here we have a very weird animal called ostrich. it sounds |
      ||     | like german,  I really prefer strutsi better,  but I can't |
      || sTZ!| use that word. ok, ostrich reminds a little bit of giraff. |
   ___||___  | difference  is that ostrich use only 2 leg for walking and |
  /   '    \ | it has feathers'n'shit. ostrich does not live old. it dies |
 (  /     \ )| about in  the age  of 2 years.  you really should  see the |
 ( /_______/ | growing part. fast, when ostrich is born, it is about 10cm |
 (/ | | \ \ _|_ and after 10-15 days it is already 1 meter tall. likes to |
    | |  \ ( / ) listen bob marley and smoke some weed with good friends! |
    |_|   \   /___________________________________________________________|
   (_,_)   \_/

             (¯¯=¯¯)                         original ostrich.
              ¯\ /¯                    no nothing extra. butt naked.
               |¯|                 just wondering what he is doing here,
               | |                can't figure it out. jeah, the another
               | |              difference between giraffe and ostrich is
             __| |__               that ostrich is not a smart animal.
          .·~ ,|_|  ~·.               it's the opposite of smart!
         /    ¯¯ ¯¯    ·            molopää, dumbshit, onneton nykijä.
        ·  ·         .  |
        ·  |    _    |  ·         they are stupid but still smart enough
         \ |         | /           that they won't show their genitals
          \'._\___/_.`/            or ass (like some of those weird ppl
          .'  | | |  `.          do, huh can't understand them! and they
              | | |                 get pictures of it also! ohno..)
              | | |                so ostrich is way much smarter than
        sTZ!  | | |                     some people, scene people?
             _| | |                   thank god I'm not one of them!
         .-·~_  ;  -.
        `-,-~_.' ¯·._¯.
         `·-~        ¯

         here we have different ostrich.            ,·-\__..__/-·,
     this one thinks he is a human, I hope          \ ,_      _, /
   he don't show his ass all the time because        `--)    ;--'
         thinking he is a human being.                 (______)
     altho' he is the oldest of them all,                |  |
  almost 2 years. so we have to start looking          __|  |__
      a coffin for it. sad, but what can              / _|  |_ \
       you do?! what can I do?! nothing..         .·¯~\ \|  |/ /~¯·.
                                                ./     \ \__/ /     \
      human ostrich. jep, I bet he has a        \_      \____/     _/.
     beercan somewhere there. he is just        /   .    (__)    . _/.
     hiding it, because wanted to impress      /   /      /\      \  |
    you guys. nothing but a pitiful drunk.    (   /       \/       \ |
                                               \ (                  )|
    if you look his outfit you might think      \ \____.------  ___/ |
     he is a boy scout. sorry, he ain't!         \  \   -·¯¯¯¯¯¯   \_|
    one day he, totally messed up, walked        /\__/          \__ \)
le of boyscouts    ·      ·  __)        ·
       well, he beat em' and stole their         \ , _/    |        /
      uniforms. he was just way too tired         \ ¯      |       /
     living as a ostrich. later on he took         \       |      /
    a human name for himself, jorma (german        /_______|______\
         name, if I remember right).                   |  | |  |
      he will bequeath his clothes and          sTZ!   |  | |  |
         identity for his relatives.               ____:--: :--:____
                   peace!                       ·~¯        X        ¯~·
                                               / _,-------' `-------._ \
                                               ·'                     `·

               /   /¯\/ \
              ·   (__oo__)                   young osrtich.
               ) (        '·.       as you watch that picture you'll
              /  /¯¯¯¯U¯~·.__)      see that he has quite a 'horny'
      sTZ!   /  /     .              expression. well he is horny!
            / ./                  he is going to check few ost-babes!
           / ./                  he is young and interested of babes!!
      ____/  /_                      like we all were, except those
     /   (__/  \                   who born to be gay (well actually
    /          \\                     I don't know anything about
   ·   ,   ''   ·                   their lusts, so I just quit the
   ·   \         )                    subject!) ok, this one likes
    \  \)       /                         female ostrichs tho'!
  .-.\ \)______/                    he masTurbates when babes are not
 /   \\\) | \ \                      available. so masturbating is
·   \ \\) |  \ \    .-,         not so popular! they fuck like maniacs!
| | |\____/   \ \  · / )             not like people. they have real
`-|-'          \ \/   /         "nussijaiset" almost every weekend, mMm!

                                                          _\( o)(o )/_
                                                          (¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯)
          confused ostrich.                                \`-,  .- /
   has lost his map and don't know                          ~¯\  (¯~
   where to go. there ain't gonna                         .' /(__/:
    bobmarleys help at this time.                        (  ·     .
  they are very fast movers, maybe                        \  \
    this one moved just a bit too     ____    _ _.-----._  )  ·
       fast and lost the map.        (___ ¯¯~~/~         ~·. /
    ok, they move fast, so they        (__   ,~              \
     need lot of drinking, like         (_.-/  ,              \
   the hippopotamus, except they           ·  /            \   ,  ____
   are not fast! some times you           |  / ·            \   ~¯ ___)
    can see when they collapse             \/ /            / \   ___)
   for beer, sad! but I bet this           (_// /  ___   _·   ·.___)
    one has drank someting else            (_/ /|__: :,-·'
     than beer, jeah. it's not              (_/ |  | |
  what I'm drinking now but almost,           | |  | |    sTZ!
   a style-cola. the real thirst              | |  | |
         quencher! try it!                    | |  | |
                                           ,-.| |  | |.-.
                                           ·  : |  | :  ·

   ____________________________________________________________   _(Oo./_
  |                                                            |  (   _)
  | that is it for now.  what did you learn?  now,  don't tell |   `-'|
  | me that  you  didn't learn  anything.  you  couldn't  know |     ||
  | everything about ostrich. they are not that famous animals |sTZ! ||
  | ..well maybe you  could.  you have to  be  atleast  little |  ___||___
  | no I really  gotta leave  you guys,  I  have a  date  with |( /     \  )
  | beautiful  female camel.   going to ask little about their | \_______\ )
  | life and maybe later on I will make a camel guide to you, _|_ / / | | \)
  | so u can learn everything you need to know about camels. ( \ ) /  | |
  |___________________________________________________________\   /   |_|
                                                               \_/   (_,_)
Groetjes, Thijs. (nl1sms @ nl3nw)