R:981102/0221Z @:NL3DAV.ZH.NLD.EU #:14914 [Leiderdorp] FBB7.00f $:16125_NL3NW
R:981102/0006Z @:NL3ZMR.ZH.NLD.EU #:21545 [Zoetermeer] FBB7.00g $:16125_NL3NW
R:981101/1023Z @:NL3LDM.ZH.NLD.EU #:14557 [Leidschendam] FBB7.00f $:16125_NL3NW
R:981031/1140Z @:NL3RTD.ZH.NLD.EU #:21693 [Rotterdam-Noord] $:16125_NL3NW
R:981031/1041Z @:KW3BBS.ZH.NLD.EU #:25346 [Katwijk] FBB7.00c $:16125_NL3NW
R:981031/1034Z @:KW3BBS.ZH.NLD.EU #:30875 [Katwijk] FBB7.00g $:16125_NL3NW
R:981031/0945Z @:NL3NW.ZH.NLD.EU #:16125 [Noordwijk (Z-H)] FBB5.15c


   .     .
   |     |
   |     |
   :     :            ______________  ____         ______________
  (\ /)_              \    ________/_/    l____  __\________    /
  (oo)_ ¯·            /\______      /     ____/__\__     ______/\
 /.¯¯¯.\  \         _/       /    _/      |        /     \       \_
 \ ___ /  /         \_______/     \______ l       /\      \_______/
  ¯|_|¯|_|                 \______/-Mo! \________/  \______/
   .     .
   |     |
   |     |_________________________________________________________________
   |                                                                       |
   |             stezotehic gives you animal collection named              |
   |_________________________________________________________________      |
                                                                     |     |
                                                                     :     :
       ___                                                  ___        _(\ /)
   ___/  /_________________________   ___    ______________/  /__    ·¯ _(oo)
  /  /  /  / _  \ _  \   \  _  \   \_/   \__/ _  \     \  /  /  /_  /  /. ¯¯.\
_/     /  /  /__/ /__/    \ /__/    \    __      / \/  / /  /_    \ \  \ ___ /
\__/  /__/____\\___\\_____/__\\_____/____//__/  /__/  /____/ /____/  |_|¯|_|¯
----------  .     .
                                                                     |     |
                                                                     |     |
                                                                     :     :

           |                                                               |
    (\--oo_| this time I'll  present to you, the hippopotamus.  as you may |
     |   __) already know, hippo is a very big animal, that's why I had to |
    /|  `  | resize it as a smaller. no worry, the animals were not harmed |
 * / `-·¯·-' during this episode (hRRRMMm!)   hippos are usually peacefull |
 \/         \ animals but as  I investigate  them closer,  they got really |
 (_|  ;_|  ;_)  mad and beat the shit out of me.  so watch out for hippos! |
    ¯¯   ¯¯sTZ!____________________________________________________________|

       again here we have a original hippo.                        ___
     here you can see the oversize head, well,             __.-.__/.--'
    not head, muzzle (or what the heck is it).         .·¯       ¯·.
    hmm, and it depends where do you match it!        /             \
     if you look at her (this time we have a         /    ()_==_()   \
   female hippo, isn't that nice!?) curvy body      ·     ( o¯¯o )    ·
   and match it with her muzzle. it is not so       |     /      \     ·
       big after all. now, I know you are           ·   ,--.   .---.   ·
    interested her tits. sorry, female hippos       · ,'    ¯¯¯     \  ·
   don't have tits nor pussy. I know, I know,        \·  (       )   ·/
 now you are wondering how they get baby hippos.      `,_          _/
 simple, the ol' stork still brings those babies!     |  ¯¯~·---·~¯ |
 so, now you know a bit more about female hippos.     (_|_|_) (_|_|_) sTZ!

              ____               .                  the dog hippo.
           .-/    \-.         ·             this one is male hippo, beer
           \_______  \       ,    ·        drinking male hippo. so called
       ·     |_| |_| ·      ·    .            drunkard (drunk artist?),
    ,   .     ·    · |       ·   .         denso, mätäperse, haiseva sika,
            _/     · ·                     and so on. femalas did not have
           · ~----/ /________.--.__         pussy so this one has no cock.
     sTZ!  \_______/       ;   ¯¯) ¯~·.    don't ask how they piss, I don't
           ·          _____·___¯¯)~¯  |   know! maybe they don't and that's
     .----/       .--.·   |    ¯¯     |   why they grow so big? that sounds
    ·            /    \   |  |BEER|   |    logical! this one drinks lot of
   /    /        |    |   |  |10 L|   |    beer because, hippos need lotsa
  /    ·         ·    «   |           |    water to survive, and here is not
 (_(____\·._____/  | | \  `-._______.-'  any water around so he has a beercan.
                ¯¯¯ ¯ ¯¯                     that is logical too (for me)

          hip..  hip... hippPOOOoooH!                           .-.
                     | |
                     ------                              _(\__/)· ·
      erhm, there was some business going on           ·¯ .----/ /--.
   with this hippo. we were just talking about        (__·    / ·    ·
     the nice weather and maybe have a picnic         U /      *      \
     later on.  ok, ehm, so here you see the           ,               ,
   hippos behind, no genitals, only arse-hole.                         ·
    (mmm..) and ofcourse I forgot to ask about         \ _    __    _ /
  their pissing problem. hmm, maybe I won't even        ~|   ~||~   |~
       ask 'cos can't stand another beatup..             |    ||    |
      ask yourself if you are so interested,         sTZ!·_  _;·_  _;
               leave ME out of it!!                        ¯¯    ¯¯

          ;       ¯-,
         ( _   _     .
         /        /   \                           papa hippo.
 .-/_ _.-.  ·     \__               over a 160 years old. he has
     /    ~    \ |      \ \            seen some things that noone has
    , (       )  /      / /-.         seen before. he has travelled around
    ·           ·      / /   \       the world. mostly by walking, but
     \    __  ,·      / /     \       after few years he started to make some
      ~~/¯\ \~       /\/       \    money. after that he just fly country to
       /   \/\      /           ·     another. nowadays he is very powerfull
      ·       ·.  .·             '    man! you might seen some movies and
      |         \/               |   heard stories about him, the godfather.
      |  ¸                 ,     |   jep, he still lives, but retired from
      |  |                 |     |   the business, livin' small town called
      |  |                 |     |  springfield. changed his identity and
      :_ |                 :_   _;     started working, acting actually,
      | ¯|__\|___\||_______| ¯¯¯ |     for some unknown cartoon series.
      | |;¯                |_| | |
       ¯ |                  | ¯ ¯     can't tell you whole story because,
         |      (           |        I know, if I tell you, I'm gone! and
         |       |          |        I don't mean taking a vacation. well,
         |=      |    ==    |            vacation to atlantic perhaps.
         |       |          |          to see the ocean with my feet on
    sTZ! |       |          |        the cement. if you know what I mean.
     ____:_      | ________ ;       so that is the story about papa hippo.
    /¯     ~~~~~~/¯        ¯ \

                                                __   _______   __
           angry hippo.                         \_\·~       ~·/_/
   if you see hippo looking at                   /   __   __   \
  you like this. get tha fuck out!              ·   --.' `.--   ·
  he/she ain't flirting with cha!        _.-----.\ /¯\ \ / /¯\ /.------._
   it's going to kick you ass.         ,·         /  _\ _ /_  \          ·.
 thrust me I know. tried to give      /           \_(_)\=/(_)_/            \
   her some flowers and shit,        .       .----.  --/ \--  .---.         .
    but damn, got kicked in the      |      /      ¯---------¯     \        |
    nuts. and it felt so good!       |     ·   _                _   ·       |
   still, I rather not to take       |     ·  (                  )  ·       |
  that kind of touching nomore.      |     \                        /       |
 after the nutkick, we had some      ·      .     __........__     ,        ·
  lovely times too, she licked       \_      ¯~(~¯ ___....___ ¯~)~¯        _/
  my nuts afterwards, altho' I       \_       _ ¯¯¯          ¯¯¯   _       _/
 lost my cock because the power       |       |                    |       |
 of the hippos sucking ability.       |       |                    |       |
 please, consider it twice when       |.      |-._____      _____.-|      .|
  you are about to get contact        /       |      \¯¯¯¯¯¯/      |       \
      with a hippopotamus.           (_(_ (_  /_|__|__)sTZ!(__|__|_\  _) _)_)
                                      ~~~~~~~¯                      ¯~~~~~~~

 |                                                               |
 | ok, that was  the lesson this time.  hope  you got some know- |_oo--/)
 | ledge  about hippopotamus.  it is very important  to know the (__   |
 | animals.  imagine if some alien comes  and  ask you,  what is |  '  |\
 | that animal?   and you say it is  a whitefish or dish-washer. `-·¯·-' \ *
 | no, that  wouldn't be a good thing!  so, don't delete  these /         \/
 | fine animal-guides.  you  might need these  in the future!  (_:  |_:  |_)
 |____________________________________________________________sTZ!¯¯   ¯¯