R:981024/1744Z @:NL3DAV.ZH.NLD.EU #:13223 [Leiderdorp] FBB7.00f $:4071-NL1BZW


[¯¯¯ TST HOST 1.43b, UTC diff:-1,  Verzonden: Zat Oct 24 18:31:17 1998 ®®®]

We all know those cute little computer symbols called smilees or
"emoticons,"where  :)  means a smile and :( is a frown.   Sometimes
these are represented by :-) and :-( respectively.  Well, how about
some "ass cons"?
Here goes:
(_!_)      a regular ass

(__!__)    a fat ass

(!)        a tight ass

(_._)      a flat ass

(_^_)      a bubble ass

(_*_)      a sore ass

(_!__)     a lop-sided ass

{_!_}      a swishy ass

(_o_)      an ass that's been around

(_O_)     an ass that's been around even more

(_x_)     kiss my ass

(_X_)     leave my ass alone

(_zzz_)    a tired ass

(_o^o_)   a wise ass

(_13_)     an unlucky ass

(_$_)     Money coming out of his ass

(_?_)   Dumb Ass

..ooo*"""**        ooooo .oo*""*ooo..
.  oo*"           "*o.oo*"                "*o.
. o"                   'o"                     "o
o                      o                       *o
.o                       o                        'o
o                        o                         o.
o                         o                          o.
o                          o                           o
o                          \o/                          o
o                         --0--                         o
o.                         /o\                          o
o                           o                           o
"o                          o                           o
o'"                        o                          oo
oo                         o                         oo
oo.                       oo                       oo
'ooo.                  .oo.                     ooo
"o ""oo,,           ,,oO-'Oo,        ,,,,,,..oo"o
o.       """"""        oo   """""            .o
'o                     oo                     o'
*o                    oo                     o
'o                     o                     o
o                     o                     o
o                     o                    o
o                    o                    o
o                    o                    o
o                    o                   o
o                    o                   o
You have been e-mooned!  Send this to 5 people within the next hour
and you will be blessed with people laughing at your e-mail. Happy e-mooning!!!
This is NOT a chain letter, so if you don't mail it out, you won't
have bad luck.  (But who wouldn't want to eMoon a friend?)

            NLNET:       NL1BZW@NL3EKL.ZH.NLNET.EU
          NLD-net:       NL1BZW@NL3DAV.ZH.NLD.EU
           E-mail:       NL1BZW@FREEMAIL.NL
    Packet E-mail:       NL1BZW@IPGATE.DSL.NL
        Home-Page:       http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Sector/7017

Sysop : Bart ,Lokatie zoeterwoude ,locator : JO22GC
Callmax nummer : 0660-155130 ,Computer : AMD K6 233 Mhz MMX, 
antenne : A-99 ,Bak : maxon-1000, Voeding : DC1765 20-22 AmpŠre