R:981007/0335Z @:NL3DAV.ZH.NLD.EU #:9254 [Leiderdorp] FBB7.00f $:10099_NL3NW
R:981006/0535Z @:NL3ZMR.ZH.NLD.EU #:16973 [Zoetermeer] FBB7.00g $:10099_NL3NW
R:981005/0812Z @:NL3LDM.ZH.NLD.EU #:8976 [Leidschendam] FBB7.00f $:10099_NL3NW
R:981004/1311Z @:NL3RTD.ZH.NLD.EU #:11229 [Rotterdam-Noord] $:10099_NL3NW
R:981004/1206Z @:KW3BBS.ZH.NLD.EU #:20980 [Katwijk] FBB7.00c $:10099_NL3NW
R:981004/1009Z @:KW3BBS.ZH.NLD.EU #:23915 [Katwijk] FBB7.00g $:10099_NL3NW
R:981004/1000Z @:NL3NW.ZH.NLD.EU #:10099 [Noordwijk (Z-H)] FBB5.15c


      carolina           ginger             pacific            telephone
      caroline           gnu                painless           temptation
      castle             golf               pam                tiger
      cat                golfer             paper              toggle
      celtics            gorgeous           password           tomato
      change             graham             pat                toyota
      charles            gryphon            patricia           trivial
      charming           guest              penguin            unhappy
      charon             guitar             pete               unicorn
      chester            hacker             peter              unknown
      cigar              harmony            philip             urchin
      classic            harold             phoenix            utility
      coffee             harvey             pierre             vicky
      coke               heinlein           pizza              virginia
      collins            hello              plover             warren
      comrade            help               polynomial         water
      computer           herbert            praise             weenie
      condo              honey              prelude            whatnot
      condom             horse              prince             whitney
      cookie             imperial           protect            will
      cooper             include            pumpkin            william
            puppet             willie
      creation           innocuous          rabbit             winston
      creator            irishman           rachmaninoff       wizard
      cretin             isis               rainbow            wombat
      daemon             japan              raindrop           yosemite
      dancer             jessica            random             zap


	            		unix family tree
                         ( Version 1 )
                         ( Version 2 )
                         ( Version 3 )    
                         ( Version 4 )
                         ( Version 5 )
                         ( Version 6 )___________________ 
            /   |                          ( 4 BSD  )
                    _____/    |                               |
         ( Xenix )_/          |                           (4.2 BSD)
              |          (Unix-II)                            |
              |               |                               | 
              |          (Unix-III)                       (4.3 BSD)
              |               |                             __|
         (SCO Unix)      (Unix-V)_                         /  \_____
              |               |   \______( AIX )__________/    \    \
               \         (SVR 3.2)                       /    (MACH) \
                \____         |                      ( v1 )     |     |
                     \___(SVR 3.2)              ______/         |     |
                              |                /          (NeXt Step) |
                         (SVR 4.0)____________/                       |
                                 \/          |                        |
                                 /\_____(Sun OS)                      |
                                /            |                        |
                               /        (SOLARIS)                     |
                              /                                       |
                          (Linux)                                     |
                                                                 (Free BSD)

 Made by Corrupt the chief of pROTEUS! iN 1997-12-29

Special thanx and a new Sun Enterprise 450 to:

  Dalamar		For helping me with linux/hacking. 
  Eagle			For Intruducing me to unix, and hacking.
  Coke			For giving me H/P programs.			
  thorpe		For helping me getting started with modeming
  iRONFiST		For giving me accounts at unix/vms systems :)
  Rasmus		For giving humanity food for 4million years :)
  amigainfo		For being there protecting the sacred amiga :)
  Energy 104.0Mhz	For Playing good music day and night :)
  Sun Microsoftsystems  For just being there. :)

  Only thorpe understands about rasmus ..

  Special FUCKOFF's and several 200MT HydrogenBombs to:

  Orvar			For Allways disturbing me. DIE!
  Codeman		For living in the same solarsystem as me. and being
 			such a damn lamererous lamer! DIE

  Greger		No comments. 
  Gey-martin(crocker)	For being so fucking dumb! (his iq is highest 85,

  Martin Nilsson	For being Motional disturbed.
  Nick Noslund		For Thinking the world is around his house.
  Thorp			For Abusing rasmus, the poor little doggie :(
  Carlitos		For Thinking he's Einstein (E=mailcē)
  Sapphire		For Nuking me from his Board two years ago.
  Case			For Being Cought by the coppers. CD-trading
  razor			For Being Cought by the coppers. CD-trading
  Dansken&boggan	For Being Cought by the coppers. CD-trading
  Microsoft		For Existing
  Magnus Juel           For being ugly.
  Bill microsoftbrain gates  For ever have been born!.

 -[DANGER! LAMER!]---------------------------------
If YOU see anyone that calls himself "crocker" or "next" PING HIM! MAIL BOMB
HIM! Please.. (; E-mail=pcmartin@hotmail.com 
Groetjes, Thijs. (nl1sms @ nl3nw)