R:991013/0133Z @:NL3DAV.ZH.NLD.EU #:24406 [Leiderdorp] FBB7.00g23
R:991013/0012Z @:NL3ONB.ZH.NLD.EU #:7968 [ZH Main FWD Den Haag] $:11455_NL3GOU
R:991012/2233Z @:NL3GOU.ZH.NLD.EU #:11455 [Gouda] FBB7.00g23 $:11455_NL3GOU

To  : WIN98@NLD

Computer Performance

You can gain a little bit of speed if you change your computer's role to 
network server.
To do this right-click "my computer", click "properties" and then 
"File System" on the "Performance" tab. Now, select "Network Server".
Don't let your computer search for a new diskette drive each time you boot.
Right-click "my computer", click "properties" and then click "File System" 
on the "Performance" tab. 
Uncheck the "Search for new diskette drive every time you boot" under the 
Diskette tab. You should enable UDMA support if you have such a hard drive. 
Windows 98 does not do this by default. 
This will run your HD to the full capacity of 33.3MB/sec 
(or 66 MB with the newest motherboards), with only 25% CPU recources 
instead of 40%. Warning: You must be sure that your hard drive supports 
Ultra-DMA, if not Windows will crash.
To enable right-click "My Computer", properties and click disk-drives 
on the Device Manager tab. Select the Hard drive and select properties. 
Now select DMA. (note: UDMA must be enabled in your bios!)
This is also applicable to CD-rom drives
You can decrease your bootup time when you remove the automatic backup 
tool which runs every time you boot your system.
Delete the "C:\WINDOWS\scanregw.exe /autorun" line in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run to 
disable this future.
Be sure to backup your registry regularly if you do this! You can 
get in a lot of trouble if you have to use an outdated backup. 
Backup your registry at least every time you install a new program!
73'- Marco, NL4Gou@NL3Gou.zh.nld.eu

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