R:990927/2237Z @:NL3DAV.ZH.NLD.EU #:21863 [Leiderdorp] FBB7.00g23 $:63926_NL3NW
R:990927/2114Z @:NL3ONB.ZH.NLD.EU #:3912 [Den Haag] FBB7.00g23 $:63926_NL3NW
R:990927/1944Z @:KW3BBS.ZH.NLD.EU #:43224 [Katwijk] FBB7.00g23 $:63926_NL3NW
R:990927/1832Z @:NL3NW.ZH.NLD.EU #:63926 [Noordwijk, JO22FH] FBB7.00g


hehehehehehe.....nou nou nou nou nou!!!
        /            \
       (      *       )              poor victim of a rape.
    ____\            /____        even cats are nolonger safe
   (_____>  /___\   X_____)        from those human perverts
        / _/     \_ \
       (____)   (____) sTZ!

               __     __
               / /ŻYŻ\ \
              / (_o_o_) \
      ·      ( (_ -°- _) )----------.            oversize cat, xxl-cat
              \  ŻŻUŻŻ  /            )         I mean look at the size of
       ·      /\___.___/              \          that cat, moums moums,
      .      /     .                   )            food food fooood!
  _.-.._    /  /        /               \
 /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ (__/ /______/ /_______________)
 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ   (___)    (___)     sTZ!

   |/\_/\ |
   .o o  )|  _    
  (-°-   \:  \
\  \_ _  _)  /
    |/Ż    \_/'looking for her daddy
   / // .  \/  dad sing a song
  (_/(_(____)  im so lovable
                                                  | pussy |
                                           (\_/)  |  11cm |
                                           /o o\  |_______|
          prostitute cat.                  \·°·/_____|_|
      this is how it gets, no             /Ż   Ż_____(__)
    animal fundings, no respect,         /(.   .)    |_|
     no nothing. they must get           \ )   (
       their living somehow.             (/     \
                                          \__Y__/   sTZ!
                                           \ | /
                                           ( | )

                                   _     _
                                  _\\---//    sTZ!
                                 / \/Ż\  \
    predator cat, notice        (__oo__)  |_.-----.
  the big eyes for seeking      (_-°-  _.._____    \
       mouses'n shit              ŻŻUŻŻ    /        \._____________
                                          (_/____\_)_)-~ŻŻ  .------'


                                   ·    _..__
                                      _(     Ż\
                                  ,  (_______  \-.
        young 'senile' cat.             /ĝ.ĝ  (_ _) \
                                    ·  (_Ż__.' (_)   \
     still smoking some             :  // __\__      \ \
              pipe.                /\_// / _____.     \
                                  (_ _/ (_/ | \,      /
                                   Ż    ||  Ż/  /   /\  sTZ!
                                        ||  _\ _\   \ \______
                                        || (__(_____/\_______)  )) )

  the  animal  which has fascinated  menkind  for |
  ages.  these days men use  word cat, pussy etc. |
  for a female person. can't quite understand 'em |
  but anyhow I love those furballs (and females!) |
                                                    ^  ^
  ok, there  was few  cat examples  of  thesedays. ( o o )
  I  can  just  imagine  how  they will  change in |\_ _/
  couple  of  years.   more  narcs,  hookers   and |  U
  gangsta cats. maybe I will start - save the cats |
  foundation (and get rich with it). 

WHA!!! groetjes Anja wel panda!!!